Hitting the Gym


CHLOE: Hey everyone, I just got back from the gym, I’ve been going twice a day ever since the big announcement. I want to look my very best for the wedding, even though my tailor says I’m already the perfect size for my dream dress. Who knows, I might have to taken it in a bit at this rate, I’m a sweet 111 lb but I know that Rob is worth putting in the extra work for. Just so long as my tits don’t get any smaller LOL wish there was a way to make them bigger without surgery :)

ROB: I don’t know why you’re putting yourself through this, I would love you no matter what you look like. As wonderful as you are, the fact that you’re already so beautiful is just a bonus.

CHLOE: You are just too much, maybe I am spending a little too much time at the gym. And I was getting those…looks…again, you know what I told you, about how now that I’m wearing a ring guys are hitting on me more often, looking me up, cat calling, it’s a little unnerving.

ROB: Guys were checking you out in the gym? I guess it’s hard to blame him, that tank top, those tight little yoga pants, not going to lie if I was in the gym I’d have a hard time not checking you too

CHLOE: Yeah, but these guys they’re not…like you…you know?

ROB: Oh yeah, you said that black guys have been hitting you up since you got a ring, was a…was a black guy trying to hit on you?

CHLOE: I wouldn’t say hitting on me, he wasn’t vulgar or offensive, and he was actually very polite

ROB: You talked to him?

CHLOE: I didn’t want to be mean, he was actually very considerate, he helped me out with my form and I ended up getting a much better work out because of it,

ROB: What did you guys talk about? Were you…scared?

CHLOE: Not scared, more like just a little intimidated, he’s sooooo big and muscular. Not that I’m into guys like that, he just had this really powerful…I dont’ know…energy or whatever about him. He was sweet though, he introduced himself, his name is Devonte and he really knew his stuff. 

ROB: His name was Devonte? What’s this guy look like…is he…you know…black?

CHLOE: I mean, yeah, he happened to be black, I don’t see why that’s important, and he was very fit, like the muscular kind of fit, not lean, bulging muscles, huge arms, great body, buzz cut, . I think it’s because he was so dark it made his body look more…defined. Oh and I got to mention his abs OMG they were like a cheese grater

ROB: Woah babe, slow down, you sound like you’re getting a little excited. You told me that you weren’t into black guys? Are you having a change of heart?

CHLOE: Oh stop teasing, I didn’t meant it like that who cares that he’s black? I got a great work out because of him, he actually told me he’s a personal trainer and he said that I had great potential and I look like I’m really committed to getting in great shape.

ROB: Are you sure he saw your ring? Did you say anything?

CHLOE: Of course I told him that I was married, I even showed him my ring and he said he was so happy for me, called you a lucky guy as he took my hand in his to look at my rock.

ROB: I sure am a lucky guy, so you said he’s a personal trainer?

CHLOE: Yeah and he actually offered to give me a few free classes, just a trail to see if I’d like to hire him professionally.

ROB: I bet he tells that to all the girls

CHLOE: He does! He even told me that’s how he finds most of his clients. He even gave me his card, he’s totally professional. And I was talking with another woman in the locker room and she mentioned she saw Devonte talking to me.

ROB: What did she say? Did she…warn you?

CHLOE: Not at all! The exact opposite effect, she said Devonte is actually the most in demand personal trainer in the city, high profile clients, and he only works with women he thinks are the best, she said if he saw something in me that must mean he think’s I’m really special. And she just kept gushing about the amazing things that he can do, she couldn’t talk highly enough about him.

ROB: Oh, so he only works with women? Don’t you think that’s a little suspicious?

CHLOE: Stop, you’re having naughty thoughts…I’m sure she didn’t mean it like that, It kinda makes sense, mens and womens bodies are built very differently and require different exercises and forms. That’s why your dumbells are gray and the ones I use are pink. They’re built differently. So it makes sense that if this guy is so good at his job, he probably just specializes in helping women specificity. It’s really a testament to how professional he is if he has such a specialty.

ROB: So, are you thinking of taking one of his classes?

CHLOE: Well, he did give me his number, I mean I guess I could try it, if he’s that good and offering up a few sessions for free why not jump at the opportunity, at the very least I’ll probably learn some great new stretches and exercises. You wouldn’t have a problem with me shooting him a message…would you?

ROB: Umm, well, if he’s a professional with a card and everything I don’t think I have too much to worry about. And if this is what you want to do who am I to stop you, yeah, go ahead and send him a message, set up a session. I’m sure it’s gonna be a ton of fun.

CHLOE: Great, I knew you wouldn’t get jealous, it’s just business after all.

(EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT!!! Become a Patreon Member to see Chloe's Texts with Devonte)

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